• Science Lab

    Our school has a well – equipped science lab. The aim is to foster a spirit of innovation, creativity and learning through doing. Each child is given personal attention and facility to learn through the laboratories.

  • Computer Lab

    The school has a well maintained computer lab. All the machines are networked and has access to internet. This computer lab provides fast and easy access to vast amount of information in a variety of formats.

  • Library

    A well stocked library is provided to the young minds to broaden their horizons. Latest books on various subjects and a good number of magazines are available based on the subjects taught.

  • Educomp Smartclass

    "How you learn and what you learn will determine what you become." Educomp Smart Class (CTS), the latest development of technology helps our children to understand the concepts in a way that they have never understood before.

  • Skating & Taekwondo

    Skating & Taekwondo classes are conducted for kids for recreation and self defence. We ensure that, our students explore and persue new objectives and goals to promote a strong self discipline and well defined moral outlook.

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    School Band

    Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution. Santhome band is dedicated to perform through a unified diligence and conviction in our daily persuits , integrity and character, in all members. An appreciation for the art we strive to create and experience everyday.